Thursday, March 15, 2007

...Bone Study...

Bone studies seemed endless in drawing classes but most of the time you don't have the opportunity to complete them. With this one we did have some time but with restrictions. This assignment was set up to test compositional skills which is the hardest part in drawing for me. However, the professor told us to zoom in on a particular area enough to lose the identity of the subject matter. The problem was, if I zoom in too far, there isn't enough information to draw but if I don't zoom in enough, the subject matter is easily recognizable. In this drawing I could have zoomed in more to meet the criteria of the assignment but a cow skull was an unavoidable object. The professor still liked the result and especially the fact that the scull did not appear as the center object or simply a study of a scull but of "an interesting setup of bones." So, with that I continued and developed it to this point in the same manner as the still life drawing of the box frames and studio lights, with the paper acting as the middle gray and me shading the shadows and highlights with black and white conte crayon.

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